
  • Neurologist coverage within the competitive MS market

    Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is one of the most competitive specialty markets we track, as a number of sophisticated players (i.e., Biogen, Teva, Sanofi, Serono, and Bayer) compete for a relatively small U.S. patient population.  In the figure below we’ve charted...

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  • Average frequency of paid interactions across specialty areas

    We’ve calculated the average number interactions per physician across several specialty areas by leveraging the 15M+ paid interactions tracked by the MDDetails platform.  Note that the chart below suggests that the average rhuematologist is engaged more than twice as often as...

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  • Case Study: Assessing rep access within high decile physicians

    Nearly every pharmaceutical sales and marketing organization shares the following belief: past script volume is a very good predictor of future script volume. This entrenched presumption has lead to the widespread use of historical prescribing behavior to segment physicians into prioritized groups...

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  • Case Study: Characterizing experts, expertise, and relationships within PAH

    Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a serious condition caused by a rise in blood pressure due to thickening and loss of elasticity within pulmonary arteries.   Patients with advanced stage disease require specialized care and are typically managed by cardiologists or...

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  • Case Study: Prescriber access by specialty and geography

    Recent publications, most notably the 2015 AccessMonitor survey, suggest that prescriber access has steadily fallen since 2008 and currently sits under 50% (See figure below, Source: ZS Associates). Our own analysis using the MDDetails platform (data on ~682,000 physicians) suggests that the 47% survey result reported by ZS is...

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